Contoura Platform in Brentwood, TN

Contoura Platform in Brentwood, TN

Do you live in Brentwood, Franklin, the greater Nashville area, or other towns in Tennessee and are considering Contoura Platform treatment? Dr. Lodge and the staff at Cool Springs MD will inform you about the Contoura Platform and the multiple treatment options available to you.

What is the Contoura Platform?

The Controua Platform by InMode is a treatment method that utilizes radio-frequency energy. This treatment is used to help reduce fat and tighten skin. This is a non-invasive laser unlike our  “BodyTite™ treatment, there is no need for incisions, meaning recovery is even quicker. Additionally, the use of various handpieces can help target different trouble areas, maximizing your results.

How Much Does Contoura Platform Treatment Cost?

Every patient is different, so treatment costs vary. At Cool Springs MD, we specifically tailor treatment to your specific needs and goals, so please schedule an appointment with us to get a more accurate estimate of the cost and see if there are other treatment methods that are recommended for you.

Am I a Candidate for Contoura Platform Treatment?

If you ever considered liposuction but wanted a non-invasive method, Contoura Platform treatment might be a great option for you. Although it is not recommended for all areas of your body, we offer several treatment options, and we will ensure that this treatment is best for you.

How is Contoura Platform Treatment Performed?

Contoura Platform treatment uses radiofrequency energy, similar to that of BodyTite™. However, the major difference is that there is no need for a small incision, and the energy is used to gently heat the targeted tissues. This energy then produces collagen to help tighten skin while simultaneously breaking down fat cells and reducing fat.

What is Recovery Like After Contoura Platform Treatment?

Because Contoura Platform treatment is non-invasive and does not require any incisions, you can go home immediately following the procedure with no side effects or pain.  Temporary redness in the treatment area sometimes occurs. You can resume your normal daily activities without any problems.

How Long Will My Contoura Platform Treatment Results Last?

Contoura Platform treatments results occur gradually, as collagen cannot be produced immediately. Although you may see immediate results, fat reduction is also a gradual process, so it might take a few weeks to see the full results of the treatment. Additionally, you will require multiple treatments to obtain your desired results.

Do you live in Brentwood, Nashville, Franklin or other towns in Tennessee and think Contoura Platform treatment is right for you? We welcome you to contact us at Cool Springs MD to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lodge and the staff.